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Best Low Minimum Paying CPC (PPC) and CPM (PPI) for Publishers

Bloggers and Webmasters, Easily Make your Blog/Website a Money Making ATM machine for FREE! Join these Easy and High Paying hot CPC/CPM opportunities, place a widget (banner) and get paid...!

There are tens of thousands of people who are engaged in blogging. Some are attracted to this field as it is their passion to express their views, opinions or thoughts, or to make the world know their special skills, talents and interests. But a larger portion of the bloggers are in this field for earning some substantial money, being at their homes through their blogs. As many talented people are making huge money through their websites or blogs, more and more people are attracted to this field and are developing passion for blogging. 

Immediately after creating a Website or Blog, most people dream to make a lot of money by placing and running Google Ads on their sites/blogs. But Google Adsense Ads are granted to blogs after verifying many criteria like the age of the blog, content and quality of the posts etc. After getting adsense account approved and adding the adsense widget on the blog only the blog owner will realize that it is not an easy task earning money from adsense as he/she thought. 

While very few big websites and blogs with good traffic manage to make money as expected every month, the small blogs with low to average hits will have to wait for many months (or years) to reach the minimum payment threshold of $100 fixed by Google to pay its publishers. Many normal bloggers are disappointed by this long wait and cancel the adsense ads and seek for some other advertising network who approve small and medium website and blogs and pay them for running their advertisements on blogs or websites.

Here I wish to mention about some top portals that pay website / webpage owners and bloggers to run their ads and pays out immediately. 

1. Ajiboye / Monkey Business Web Hosting System: This company offers fastest website construction and allied services at very competitive prices. They have an affiliate marketing opportunity that pays its affiliates referral commission also. 

Ajiboye pays website owners and Bloggers 0.10 cents per each click that received to the banner added to one's webpage or blog. (Fraud clicks will be detected and No cheating tolerated..!) When the earning reach at $1.00 (just 10 clicks), the payout is sent to the publisher through his/her Paypal account. This PPC (CPC) is much better and higher than that Google is giving to its publishes. So, you can join Ajiboye Business as an affiliate and try to earn some passive money by placing their banners on your webpage. If anyone clicks on your banner and buys any products or services, you will receive affiliate commission for life also. So this is a win-win opportunity.

To Join, Please Click this Link:


2. #1 Profit Ring: This is an online money making portal by a globally reputed and honest Admin named Maryanne Myers who is a PHP Programmer + Internet Marketer + Web Designer + Network Owner since 1998.

#1 Profit Ring helps anyone with a decent webpage make money for each impressions served to the webpage where the banner (widget) is pasted like this: This is Pay per Impressions (CPM) Opportunity. There is built-in counter. You will be paid $1.00 for every 1000 times your webpage is shown. Minimum Payout is only $5.00. Paid through Paypal or Payza account. If your webpage receives 1000 unique visit everyday, you can make more than $30.00 passive money every month.  This is indeed a very "Lucrative Idea"...! 

* Join #1 Profit Ring:

* Login and Copy and Paste the "Earning Web Ring" on your webpage like this:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 

* Withdrawal requests are processed every month when the Earning balance reaches $5.00!


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  2. Nice and interesting post. It is very informative. Only problem is at 10 cent per click, one has to have at least 100 clicks (10 dollar or 600 rupees) per post to be able to make some money. How many posts make that many clicks? Is there other way?

  3. Woah! I got to know a lot of new things from this post. I would love to share this post with my friends as well. I feel Pay Per Click Advertising is one of the best services you can opt for as it is very much affordable and helps in reaping out good results.


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